Leadership Team: Consists of the chairpersons of all the arms below and representatives of the various areas, our members to annual conference, and members at large. They approve the budget and salaries and various programs and ministries to carry out the mission and purpose of JUMC.
Prayer Group and Vision: Our prayer group meets at 7:00 pm each Wednesday evening to pray for the church. Everyone is welcome to join. This group undergirds and supports all the others. The Prayer Chains and Undershepherds are also part of this support system, seeking God's guidance and discernment.
Nurture: This arm strives to insure that church members are being equipped to grow as disciples of Christ through worship, education, fellowship/ hospitality, caring (Undersheperds), and service in the local church. Anyone is welcome to submit ideas for ministry to this group.
Outreach: Church members are encouraged to find ways for a presence in the community and missions to share their story and love of Jesus through service and involvement (i.e. Mt. Lion Backpack Program, Angel Feet, Mustard Seed, Food Bank, etc).
Administrative Arm: Conducts the business and "nuts and bolts" for the church through finance, stewardship, trustees (caring for the building and parsonage), endowment (caring for investments), and Staff-Pastor Parish Relations committee. The SPRC insures a way for a good working relationship between the congregation, pastor, and staff.